In preparing to put your house on the market, the most important thing you can do to make sure it sells as quickly as possible, and at the best possible price, is to make it appealing to prospective buyers. This may entail some expenses as well as some time and effort on your part, but even just a little bit of work may significantly boost your margin of profit when you sell your home. As you prepare to present your home in the best and most flattering light to the largest number of potential buyers, remember that nothing is more important than a good first impression.
The following is a list of things you can do in preparation for putting your house on the market, to increase its appeal and help you sell it as quickly and at the highest price possible:
- Clean up. In general, your first order of business should be to clean up, freshen up, and de-clutter every room, closet, and storage area of the house. The less clutter and the fewer personal effects strewn about your home, the easier it will be for buyers to envision the house as theirs. Your goal is for buyers to imagine their own families living in the house, for them to feel at home, not that they are guests in someone else’s home. To this end, try to make your home as universally appealing as possible by removing anything that might come across as overpowering or uniquely suited to your family.
- Curb appeal. Because buyers often judge a house even before getting to the front door, it is imperative that the exterior of your home makes a positive presentation. Lawns and shrubbery should be properly trimmed; they should enhance the appearance of your home, not hide it. Walkways and driveways should be free of dirt and stains. Potholes and cracks need to be patched. Fences may need to be repaired; they might also need a fresh coat of paint. Inspect your shingles – some of them may need to be reinforced or replaced. Make certain your gutters are well-secured and free of debris. Wash the windows and replace broken panes. Your front door may need to be cleaned. Make sure that locks and light fixtures are in good working order. All of these things will make your home seem more inviting. Potential buyers will walk into the house with a good feeling about what they are going to find – setting the stage for a positive experience inside the house.
- Bright, open and airy. Most buyers respond favorably to bright and airy homes that appear to be open and spacious. When showing the house to a potential buyer, pull up blinds and shades, and turn on some lights. Check all your walls for peeling paint, shampoo or replace worn or faded carpeting and wax or buff all wood floors. In order to make sure your house appears to have ample storage space, clear out your closets as best you can – most buyers respond well to neat and orderly closets and pantries that are not overstuffed.
- Kitchens and bathrooms. Since kitchens and bathrooms are often a home’s most important selling features, pay special attention to these rooms and make sure they look clean, fresh, and bright. Make the most of these rooms by polishing kitchen appliances and keeping countertops and sinks clean and uncluttered. In the bathrooms, replace worn shower curtains and bath mats and remove excess toiletries from the bath/shower and countertops.
- The garage. A well-organized garage is another positive reflection on the condition of your house. Place all your tools in a designated area. Hang bicycles and hoses. Wash your car – it will indicate to the buyer that you take care of your possessions and maintain them well.
A Realtor can assist you in preparing your home for sale. Your Realtor can, and should, go through your house with you and assist you in making decisions regarding how to best showcase your home, and which changes or improvements, if any, you should make in order to make your house as appealing as possible to the largest number of potential buyers.
Good luck and happy home selling!!!
Ruth Miron-Schleider, a long-time resident of Bergen County, has been a real estate broker for over 3 decades. She is the Owner and Managing Director of MIRON PROPERTIES. Ruth is a Certified Residential Specialist, an e-PRO Internet Professional and an Accredited Buyer Representative. She is a member of the Eastern Bergen Board of Realtors, National Association of Counselors, the Senior Advantage Real Estate Council, and the Graduate Realtor Institute.
Ruth has been the Recipient of Circle of Excellence Award every single year since 1999, and the recipient of Reader’s Choice #1 Real Estate Agent Award every single year since 2015.
For a complimentary consultation, call Ruth at MIRON PROPERTIES, 201.266.8555 (office), 201.906.6024 (direct), or contact her via e-mail:
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